Sunday, July 15, 2012

Quick Update.... Finals and Family

It's officially finals week (again....), although last week I had so many projects and things due that this week almost feels like a breeze. (Almost.)

This last Tuesday we drove over to West Yellowstone to spend a couple hours at my family's reunion there. I wished so much that we could have camped out, just for a night!

Since my family was so close my parents and younger brothers drove up on Thursday after reunion was over, just in time to see my organ recital! I played Brahms choral prelude "Oh World, I Now Must Leave Thee" and I'm so proud because it took me all semester to learn!!

After the recital we sat at the house in true Yockeyite fashion (that's all we do during the semester, sit around the house.....) Some of our comic books were passed around, and my brothers played Nintendo '64- just like the last time they were here. I also watched a little girl for a gal that I visit teach so she could get some packing done, and when my mom woke up from her nap she was smitten with this little girl. Once she saw her my mom wouldn't let anyone else have her!

 (My mommy is so pretty!!)

After that we went to dinner, and then I had to stay up until 2AM to finish the homework I should have been doing while they were here....

This weekend has been a little slower, I'll probably die tomorrow trying to get all my homework done again. But I'm glad we were able to have some fun and relax at least a little!

NateMan came over again for the first time in a week to have Sunday dinner and relax. They tried a new game that was similar to Axis and Allies (one of Husband Man's most favorite games on the planet and a game that I can't play because it's complete strategy and I'm horrible at those) and I think it was a hit.

It is way too much fun to listen to these two banter as they play. "Infantry versus cavalry!" "Miss!" "Infantry versus infantry!" "Hit!" "Infantry versus artillery!" "Hit!" "Nooooooo!"

It's been a fun weekend.

If I don't return in a few days, however, it means either I or Husband Man perished during finals. May the force be with us....