Monday, June 11, 2012

It's Monday, Monday...

Oh yes. Monday. We meet again.

I have a sectional today (which means I'll be in school from 7:45AM-6:30PM straight), a science test tomorrow, a paper due Wednesday morning and a concert Wednesday night, and a project and another paper due on Friday.

There's a little over a month left of this semester and my brain started summer vacation this morning. (Husband Man wouldn't let me go with it.)

A week ago I registered for the second-to-last semester of my college career. After pitching a momentary hissy fit when I realised that two classes I wanted to take were offered at the same time and I couldn't push one back to the last semester, I decided that I didn't care about percussion methods and now my earliest class this fall is at 10:15AM (which has NEVER HAPPENED) and I'm only registered for 14 credits (which has also NEVER HAPPENED).

A couple of days ago I learned that any ice cream that has a peanut butter swirl is NOT worth getting. (At least not the store brands. Blech.)

Yesterday I learned that Husband Man is head of the IT department over the summer break in August (or something like that, he's in charge of stuff). That's right. My husband is awesome.

But you know what's not awesome? Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Monday is is peanut butter anything ice cream...I started my first "official" week of my new job description...nothing to do with tech support or anything else I love....and I don't get off until 8:15 PM...I am so there with ya, chick!
