Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Yes, we were at home for Thanksgiving. It was a bummer to not visit my family again this year, but Husband Man had to work. Even still, we had fun cooking all day (I had to be careful not to bake a million things, there are only two of us!) and on Friday we went to visit my aunt, uncle, and two cousins for a day. We still had fun! Now I have to go tackle all those projects due on Monday...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

F. H. E. Monday #2

Last night I told Dan that it was his turn to plan FHE. He pulled out the book and picked one, and I don't have the book with me but I remember the activity.

The book gave us fifteen lists with six random things on each of them, words like "circus" "Winter" "mother" or "tree". I would read a list to him, word by word, and without saying anything he was supposed to write down the first word that he thought of when I read him a word. So I would say  "tree" and he would write down "leaves" or whatever it was that came to him first. Then we would switch and he would read to me and I would write down what I first thought of.

After we did that, I would go back to the original list and try and guess what he had written down for each word. So it would go something like this...

M: First word is "tree" so... leaves? Green? Bark? Brown? Rough? Stump?
H: Not even close.
M: Tree... hugger? Tree... chopper?
H: Yeah, no.
M: All right, moving on... next word is "flower" Um... colorful? Pretty? Sparkly? Leaves? Petals?
H: Petals, you got it.
M: Ok, next word...

This taught me that Husband Man and I think really differently. One word was "mother". I was guessing things like "stubborn" "happy" "pretty" "loving" and he had written down "in-law". He would often think of continuations, so if the word was "football" he would put "field" or something like that. Not all the time, but often. When he was telling me words I would see pictures in my mind, either of the object or something related to it. So he would say "dog" and I would see a picture of the dog, and I would recognise his ears first so I would put "ears". If he said something more abstract I'd see something related to it, so "dreams" made me think of clouds.

Like I said, this really taught me that Husband Man and I think differently-- A LOT differently. We did two lists each time, and the first time he guessed five out of the twelve words I wrote down and I only got something like three. We did another round, and he got five again and I got... none. His brain works differently from mine, and so he would think of other things first than I would. I always knew we thought differently, but this really reinforced it and so when we have misunderstandings I hope I remember this and realise that he doesn't always see things the same way I do.

Plus this activity was just fun in general. "The word was "autumn" and you put... "ottoman"? How on earth did you get that??" Hahaha-- Try it sometime! It's an easy and fun activity!

By the way, I'm listening to a song from the Prince of Persia soundtrack. This soundtrack is one of my favorites, go listen to it!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Yockeyite Banter

While putting groceries away...
Me: Please put the marshmallows with the chocolate chips."
HusbandMan: Are you sure we shouldn't just put them with the regular chips? I mean, you eat them like chips..."

Sitting on the couch...
M: Did you shave today? You're scruffy.
H: ....I'm a real boy! Excuse me while I go drag a razor sharp piece of steel across my face--
M: <laughing> Hooray, you have a five-o-clock shadow!

While traveling in the car... (I must have smacked him or something...)
H: You were like SMITE and I was like SLAIN.... <makes blood spurting noises>

After making a breakfast cake...
M: Look! I only made a tiny mess!
H: What have you done with my wife?

While trying to do homework with Sous Chef (one of my friends up here, she's awesome):
M: Life is strange and unusual.
S: <quietly> punishment...

While talking about particularly bad-for-you desserts...
M: They call it "better than sex cake" but it has coconut in it, and coconut is not better than sex.
S: <horror-stricken>
S and H: <burst out laughing>
M: Did I really just say that?

M: Are we allowed to use the word "sex" on our blog?
H: Well, they have it in the Bible.
S: Usually when it's in the Bible it's called "adultery"...

While Husband Man was trying to kiss attack me, I put my hands up to cover my face...
H: I used to be a lover like you, and then I took a diamond in the teeth...

Sous Chef while cooking bacon...
S: Bacon, bacon, sizzle sizzle, you'd better taste good... for shizzle....??

After looking for something on the top shelf of our closet...
M: My face and my trumpet [case] got in a fight, and my trumpet won.

Texting my baby sister...
S: What if you farted so explosively that the friction from your butt cheeks set your pants on fire?
M (in real life after reading it): . . . . . <evil thought>
M (in text): You should ask [Husband Man] how that goes.
S: He's set his pants on fire? That's so cool!
M: <facepalm>

While waiting for the chiropractor...
M: How's this for my Husband Man muppet face impersonation?
H: You have little wrinkles... frowny dimples...?
M: Frimples!

Friday, November 2, 2012


If anyone knows anything about me, they know that I'm totally done with college and school. I'm still chugging away at it, however, and I'm reaching the end. Husband Man and I are planning on graduating in April.

And I know for a fact that I'll be graduating, because this last Wednesday I stopped by the lead adviser of the Performing Arts and sat down with her for hopefully the last time and figured out what I have to take next semester.

And guess what?

I only have 5 credits of required classes to take next semester.

And it gets better.

Here's the full story:
I go in and sit down with her. When I talked to her last semester, we got everything mapped out and I had about 8 credits to take my final semester. However, to keep from having to take more classes, I wanted to switch to the newest catalog, because it said that my Music History classes could double for World History classes. That wasn't the only change that came with the catalog, however-

It changed the number of total credits that I needed for the degree to 120, and I already have 119 (not including this current semester's credits).

It removed the requirement of a minor/clusters. That meant that I could drop my music cluster without consequence, and the classes I had already accumulated for that cluster were added to the electives for my degree. Those extra classes actually completed my degree, and my adviser turned to me and said in a quiet voice, "You don't have to take any more music classes. ...Did you hear what I just said??" She was just as excited as I am! I've completed my degree! And I don't have to take 7:45AM class if I don't want to!

But I can't graduate quite yet, because I have one last foundation (our gen-ed) class to take. And since that class is required and I'm going to be here anyways, I decided to keep my creative writing cluster since I only had one class left to complete that. I also want to continue organ lessons. That's 6 credits total.


I'm seriously considering taking some fun classes. Classes I want to take. The crazy thing is, who ever heard of a music major who got to take extraneous classes? My adviser recommended a basic cooking class, and I'm also considering a basic baking class or another religion class or a sewing class... Or I could take nothing at all besides those 6 credits and just stay part-time. I haven't checked with the financial office, but so long as my adviser is correct I can even still get financial aid- I get half if I take 6 credits, three-quarters if I take 9, and the full thing for 12 credits.

If there's a train wreck coming, I'm ignoring it until it gets here. I'm so excited that my last semester could possibly be fun. It's MY semester.

Take that, college!